WEATHER: (January 20, 2025) MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY – High yesterday was 26° at 3:00; this morning’s low was 15° at 7:30. KPANcast: Mostly cloudy and cold. 50% chance of snow. EXTREME COLD WARNING in effect from 6:00 tonight – 12:00 tomorrow afternoon. Wind Chills as low as -20°.
LOCAL: Grand Champion honors from the Hereford Livestock Show went to; Teal Francis – Pig Show, Cooper Marsh – Steer Show, Addison Kahlich – Heifer Show, Creed Marsh – Goat Show, Luke Butler – Lamb Show and Ana Butler – Rabbit Show……Funeral services for Sid Shaw, age 74, are Friday morning at 11:00 at the First Baptist Church. Sid was a community minded individual who served on various civic boards and was the executive director of the Chamber of Commerce for more than 20 years. He was a 1968 HHS graduate and named the Citizen of the Year in 2017. Sid died last Thursday in Amarillo……HISD Board of Trustees are meeting for a lengthy 16-item agenda this evening at 6:00 at the Administration Building. The regular meeting is open to the public……Governor Greg Abbott recently appointed Dr. Kynan Sturgess to the Texas Animal Health Commission to represent veterinary medicine practitioners. Dr. Sturgess will serve on the commission through September 6, 2027, and joins another Herefordian on the commission, Johnny Trotter……KPAN recorded a trace of snowfall on Saturday with no measurable precipitation. Snowfall is expected to be light today with an inch or less in the Hereford area……KPAN salutes Blake Busby as the Good Neighbor of the Day…… WT Services is now offering 1 Gig internet for $79.95. Call us today at 806-360-9000 to upgrade.
KPAN Pun: Monday is going to creep by ice and slow.